Economic Dimension
Financial solidity and long-term profitability ensure that Sika remains a reliable and value-adding partner for all its stakeholders, now and in the future, and they represent important cornerstones to maintain global technology leadership and market penetration, from design and construction, to refurbishment. By evaluating economic impacts, risks and opportunities deriving from investments in assets and innovation, Sika strives to focus on the most promising opportunities that deliver optimized value for its customers in the form of durable solutions, and create returns that benefit shareholders.
Further, economic health enables Sika to share value created with its various stakeholders, be a reliable employer, an attractive long-term investment opportunity, a responsible taxpayer, and a good corporate citizen, helping communities to flourish.
Environmental Dimension
Sika maintains a strong focus on safety, quality, responsible growth, and value creation during all business activities. Sika delegates the responsibility for environmental compliance to the operating subsidiaries. They all sustain a management system according to ISO 14001, which includes legal compliance and a compliance assurance mechanism with internal and external controls.
Social Dimension
Social responsibility
Social, economic, and environmental issues are closely intertwined, and social responsibility is a necessary component of success. Mindful of its obligations, Sika actively engages in sustainable and humanitarian development projects, either as a member of international organizations, or directly on the spot. Sika’s social involvement also embraces the sponsorship of organizations and initiatives in the fields of science, culture, and sport.
Community engagement
Sika wants to sustain local communities in order to help people to help themselves. Fields of activities are:
- buildings and infrastructure for social and ecological projects or
- education, preferably in connection with construction-related professions or
- ecological water projects correlating indirectly with Sika's field of waterproofing activities
The main goals, among others, are to support communities in infrastructure development for social projects, to promote trainings in construction professions and trades, and to provide emergency aid to disaster-stricken regions.