London, Ontario
Maple Leaf Foods Poultry Plant
Project information
- Projet location : London, Ontario
- Date of the project : September 15, 2021
- Duration of the project : On going
- Project size :
- Building is approximativly 650,000 ft2
- Production / Processing Areas: Sikafloor PurCem System 162,000ft2
- Amenities –Sikafloor Decoflake System 46,000 ft2
Project description
New Construction of New Poultry Processing Plant for Maple Leaf Foods
Challenges Encountered
Many project delays – GC change, permits, COVID etc. Start dates, design and system changes resulted in aggressive schedule. Site conditions, substrate conditions, Custom colours, packaging changes to bulk PurCem 22, large volume expectations, production reconfiguration, raw material supply delays etc. There was no shortage of challenges on this project.
Why these products were chosen
Primarily for performance for food production and environment, but there was a specific design requirement that the client needed to be addressed.
Other points to be highlighted
Enormous amount of coordination and cooperation between sales, customer, technical service, production, shipping, logistics and credit departments.
products used
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