London, Ontario

Maple Leaf Foods Poultry Plant


Project information

  • Projet location : London, Ontario
  • Date of the project : September 15, 2021
  • Duration of the project : On going
  • Project size : 
  • Building is approximativly 650,000 ft2
  • Production / Processing Areas: Sikafloor PurCem  System 162,000ft2
  • Amenities –Sikafloor Decoflake System 46,000 ft2

Project description

New Construction of New Poultry Processing Plant for Maple Leaf Foods

Challenges Encountered

Many project delays – GC change, permits, COVID etc. Start dates, design and system changes resulted in aggressive schedule. Site conditions, substrate conditions, Custom colours, packaging changes to bulk PurCem 22, large volume expectations, production reconfiguration, raw material supply delays etc. There was no shortage of challenges on this project.


Why these products were chosen


Primarily for performance for food production and environment, but there was a specific design requirement that the client needed to be addressed.

Other points to be highlighted

Enormous amount of coordination and cooperation between sales, customer, technical service, production, shipping, logistics and credit departments.

products used

Sikafloor®-22 NA PurCem®

  • Can be applied onto 7 to 10 day old concrete after adequate preparation and where substrate has tensile bond strength in excess of 1.5 MPa (218 psi).
  • Easy installation requiring less labour to install than traditional Sikafloor® PurCem® trowel-grade materials.
  • Resists a very wide range of organic and inorganic acids, alkalis, amines, salts and solvents. Consult Sika Canada for full details. Refer to the Sikafloor® PurCem® Chemical Resistance Chart.
  • Similar coefficient of thermal expansion to concrete allowing movement with the substrate through normal thermal cycling.
  • Performs and retains its physical characteristics through a wide temperature range from -40 °C (-40 °F) up to 120 °C (248 °F).
  • Superior formulation eliminates formation of blisters, such as those arising out of application during elevated temperatures or early and multiple layer applications.
  • Steam cleanable at 6 mm (1/4 in) thickness. Can also be easily maintained using commonly employed methods and phenol-free detergents.
  • Bond strength in excess of the tensile strength of concrete, concrete will fail first.
  • Non-taint, odourless and phthalate-free, avoiding associated toxicity to health and environmental hazards.
  • Behaves plastically under impact; deforms but will not crack or debond.
  • Extra expansion joints are not necessary; simply maintain and extend existing expansion joints up through the Sikafloor® PurCem® Flooring System. 
  • Achieves highest performance ratings according to ASTM G21 resistance to fungi and ASTM D3273 resistance to mold growth.
Sikafloor®-22 NA PurCem®

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