Mechanical Application: 5 kg/m2 to 7 kg/m2 (1 lb/ft2 to 1.4 lb/ft2) surface hardener application by mechanical material spreader with laser-guided screeding Screed concrete by mechanical or laser guided screed and consolidate the surface to remove any imperfections in the wet concrete surface using a magnesium bullfloat. A “check rod” may also be used prior to surface hardener application.
Immediately spread Sika® Diamag 7® at a maximum rate of 5 kg/m2 (1 lb/ft2) in a single pass onto the plastic concrete surface using a mechanical material spreader. The quantity of materials being deposited from the mechanical spreader must be calibrated for accuracy at the beginning of each placement. DO NOT bullfloat over the surface hardener after it has been freshly applied. The dry shake hardener will darken in colour as it absorbs concrete mix water from the underlying concrete. Initial hand or machine floating operations may begin after the concrete takes on an initial set and once the surface hardener darkens as it is completely “wetted out”. DO NOT float over dry surface hardeners they must “wet out” before proceeding with hand or machine floating.
For application rates exceeding 5 kg/m2 (1 lb/ft2), apply 5 kg/m2 (1 lb/ft2) mechanically and the remaining 1 kg/m2 or 2 kg/m2 (0.2 lb/ft2 or 0.4 lb/ft2) using the manual application method noted below.
Manual Application: 5 kg/m2 to 7 kg/m2 (1 lb/ft2 to 1.4 lb/ft2) manual spread in 2 or 3 broadcasts Sika® Diamag 7® is applied to the surface in 2 or 3 broadcasts, each layer being floated in using machine float equipment. The surface is then machine floated and hand or machine trowelled as required to meet the specified requirement. Apply the first broadcast of Sika® Diamag 7®, as soon as concrete is firm enough to support the weight of workmen with a footprint depth of ~6 mm (~1/4”) with NO free standing water present on the surface. Use up to 2/3 of the total material in the first application. Spread the product evenly by broadcasting at right angles in two (2) passes close to surface level. DO NOT broadcast from a stationary position to avoid uneven distribution of the hardener. Using a 2 x 4 attached to a long handle, gently scrape the surface to spread any built-up of surface hardener materials. Allow Sika® Diamag 7® to absorb surface moisture from the underlaying concrete. DO NOT float over dry surface hardeners which must “wet out” before proceeding with hand or machine floating. Machine float the broadcasted material promptly after it has “wet out”. Ensure that the broadcast application is incorporated into the base slab by machine floating. Follow immediately behind first floating, apply the remaining surface hardener material, and repeat as above.
For applications greater than 5 kg/m2 (1 lb/ft2), apply hardener in 2-3 shakes. First application should be 50 % of the total required material and the remainder applied in each of the subsequent applications.
Final Finishing If a slip resistant finish is required, do not proceed with further trowelling operations after floating. Refer to CSA A23.1 - 2019 Clause 7.7.6. for other non-slip finishes. Sika recommends a mock-up be constructed using actual job site products and installation methods to determine an approved surface texture that meets the client’s requirements.
Hand or machine trowel at suitable time intervals to obtain the specified finish. Refer to CSA A23.1 -2019 Clause