Global trends, such as climate change and raw materials scarcity, increasing urbanization, and population growth, confront companies and communities with major economic, social, and environmental challenges. Sika takes on these challenges and strongly contributes to a sustainable development by offering sustainable solutions in construction and transportation, efficient use of energy and all resources, as well as minimizing the amount of waste. Sika believes that global sustainability trends also generate opportunities to develop its business and help customers meet the challenges.

Goals and Targets

To achieve 2023 targets, "environmental sustainability" roadmaps have been developed and implemented since 2020 in all relevant countries and plants. These roadmaps include the planned initiatives to reduce CO2eq emissions, energy/water consumption, waste generation, and increase the share of renewable energy for the period 2020-2023. These roadmaps are being updated on a yearly basis.

Sikafloor® Terrazzo white grey black floor in public building lobby entry

Taking Climate Action

The repercussions of climate change are preoccupying the political establishment, the private sector, and society in general all around the world. Given the backdrop of natural catastrophes, melting ice masses, rising sea levels, and decreasing biodiversity, themes such as sustainability, environmental protection, and climate change are no longer niche subjects – they are burning topics of debate in media, politics, society, and the economy.

Wood floor in bedroom

This is how we do it

Some Examples of Sika Initiatives, Technologies and Solutions

Pictures that tell the story

Chemical hazard & exposure
10 times
Air quality
35 % better
Because we try harder
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

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this is how you can contribute
Chapter 1

test 1

Chapter 2
Concrete repair inside cooling tower with Sika MonoTop repair mortars

Test 2

Workers applying wood floor adhesives in a residential building

Mister B


Straat 1
1234 AB Plaats

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